Wondering what's getting me through Quarantine in NYC? Here it is (click images to find the items):
1. My favorite Sub Pop sweat "suit". Can we emphasize the "suit" part and pretend it's professional attire? Meh, whatever. It's matching. That's something.
2. Naturally, I'm going to make sure my feet are just as comfy. I've been happily wearing my "fuzzy Birks" for the last 38 days. They're cozy like a slipper but give me the best support I can ask for as I'm standing there cooking the zillionth meal or cleaning the floor yet again. (I swear, I'm getting more steps on lockdown!)
3. There is so much going on, inside and outside. My apartment is a madhouse of angsty children who don't want to do what they're supposed to (instead, doing a lot of what they're NOT supposed to be doing). I am frazzled. These smokeless incense from Bodha somehow bring me down to Earth and make me feel a lot more grounded (which is a dang miracle, I'm telling you). They last 20 minutes which makes for a decent mom time-out.
4. I definitely need all the help I can get to get my chill on. This Homesick: SEATTLE candle fits the bill and makes for an über cozy environment. It smells like "a strong cup of coffee on a perfectly rainy afternoon. Pine needles, lemon, and cedar meld with a hint of rhubarb and musk." It makes me feel right at home, and I can buy it straight out of our studio favorites section on amandapearl.com.
5. Remarkably, I haven't had much (any) free time while locked up. If things ever settle, I'd love to play a little more in Kim Krans Wild Unknown Journal. They're such fun exercises in letting loose and letting the intuitive creativity flow. (Also available for immediate shipping from amandapearl.com!)
6. What I have been making the little bit of time for, however, is Kim Krans Wild Unknown Archetype Deck. Holy smokes has this thing been interesting during this period. I won't even try to explain. You'll have to see for yourself.
7. I absolutely CAN go from talking Archetype Decks to recommending naughty snacks. Um, do I even need to say anything about these? This is a big fat DUH. #MyCovid19
(The above "essential snacks" are each linked for you. You're welcome.)
8. I tend to hold my stress in my neck (among other places), so our smattering of topical CBD options from Daughter of the Land have been a big help. Contact me to order the CBD Bath Oil, CBD Bath Salts, or CBD Stick. Available in Chamomile or Cypress. (See more products from the brand HERE, and learn more about the brand and full gamut of products HERE.)
9. (Yes, I need a lot of things to "survive".) I have to say, my recent "discovery" of Dance Church might have "saved me", so to speak. It's amazing what some super FUN crazy CARDIO can do when you've been cooped up and stressed out for over a month. Sweat and shake out the cramps and kinks and get a load of those endorphins! They've been offering live streamed classes a couple times a week (Wednesday and Sunday - stay tuned to their Instagram for the schedule.)
10. Lastly, I thank the virtual sound baths from MNDFL for the iota of patience I have. Being able to bring it all in and make it all still has been so important for me during this time. Like Dance Church and many others, they are also offering live streaming sound baths a couple times a week. I lock the door, light a stick of the Bodha incense, put on my noise canceling headphones, and let the sounds take me to that deep well of calm I didn't even know I had.
What's getting you through? We want to hear!
Tell us in the comments below...