AMANDA PEARL has chosen family operated artisanal factories in Italy that produce the finest handbags for some of the world’s most well known luxury purveyors. Each handbag is meticulously assembled by hand, by artisans whose trade has been passed down from one generation to the next. Many of the details and much of the work that goes into the production are not visible to the eye in the finished product. The cylindrical frame of the Roll Clutch, for example, which was developed from scratch from Amanda's sketches, is made of gold plated brass from one factory specializing solely in metalwork for accessories. Once the plated and polished frame is sent to the finishing factory, an artisan dedicated to AMANDA PEARL covers and finishes the bag with the chosen silks, brocades and gemstones. The process is so painstaking, output averages only two Roll Clutches per day. This level of attention to detail is applied to every style in the collection.
Our Made in NYC jewelry is held to no less of a standard. Local craftspeople specializing casting, finishing, plating, and stone setting play their part in manufacturing each piece of AMANDA PEARL jewelry. As with our Italian partners, our American makers share in the belief that luxury is in the details and perfection is key.
In a world full of a mass production, AMANDA PEARL targets the discriminating customer who still embraces the art and luxury of detailed hand-made goods--work that will survive the test of time and fleeting fashions.